A Consolidação do Sistema UNA-SUS Sob a Ótica dos Recursos Educacionais Abertos: Um Estudo a Partir do ARES
Objective: The UNA-SUS System was created by the Ministry of Health with a view to the continuing education of health professionals. Consisting of three interrelated elements, the System has been in operation for over ten years. This study aims to understand the trajectory and consolidation of this System from the educational resources produced by the institutions that compose it, using data from the Collection of Educational Resources in Health (ARES). Method: With the data provided by ARES and the Monitoring Panel of UNA-SUS and after carrying out a bibliographic-documentary research on the subject, an exploratory and descriptive research with a quantitative-qualitative approach was carried out. Result: The UNA-SUS System is in full consolidation, which is confirmed through observation and statistical data from its three constituent elements The growth in the number of educational resources deposited in ARES reflects how the continuing education of health professionals has been done satisfactorily, even though course offerings are concentrated in a smaller number of institutions. Conclusions: The three constituent elements of the UNA-SUS System are firm and complementary to each other, which is supported especially by the Arouca Platform and ARES. Technical issues of maintaining and obtaining statistics can, to a certain extent, make some analyses difficult, but not make them unfeasible. The greatest contribution of some members of the Network is essential for the maintenance of the System, as well as the continuous commitment of managers to work with ARES.
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