Recursos Educacionais em Fonoaudiologia: Ações de Educação Permanente em Saúde
Objective: To identify specific educational resources apply in speech therapy published in Collection of Educational Resources in Health, as well as the characteristics of the participating institutions and resources. Methodology: To find resources related to the field of speech therapy, the term “speech therapy” was searched in the search field of the collection. Using filters and complete registration of each resource offered by the collection, it was possible to elaborate a protocol with all the necessary requirements to perform this research. Results: We found 48 available resources associated with the term “speech therapy” Two of the 48 resources were inaccessible, however, accessible resources was available in Brazilian Portuguese and directed to higher education. The results observed in the protocol indicated that resources were available into three types: text (in pdf format), video (in MPEG-4 format) and multimedia material (HTML), the format in which most resources are found. The general topics addressed in the resources were: accidents and violence, health of the elderly and health promotion and health education. Related to these general themes how language, cognition, hearing, dysphagia, aging, balance, speech-language screening, orofacial motricity, voice, gender, family, professional practice, geriatrics, gerontology and biosafety. The number of employees involved in the creation and development of resources ranges from three to 25 individuals. The time period with the largest amount of resource publications occurred between 2014 and 2015. The institutions involved in the resource publications found were: Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) and Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), which has the largest number of publications. Regarding the specific and educational objectives of the resources, it was identified the approach of the speech therapist role in the care of the elderly in primary care, assistance and care against violence and the speech therapist professional performance in primary care as well as updating the health professional about the public policies applied in its practice. Conclusion: It was concluded that there are 48 educational resources available in ARES, available for use in permanent health education actions. However, it is necessary to invest more in the publication of educational resources with specific subjects of speech therapy, facilitating the continuing education actions carried out in professional practice, as well as expanding the teaching opportunities of teachers in the learning of undergraduate and graduate students.
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