Experience of Distance Learning Tutoring Training in a Specialization Course for Doctors In Primary Care


  • Gabriela Rangel de Moura Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maria Ligia Rangel Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Catharina Leite Matos Soares Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Jane Mary de Medeiros Guimarães Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Marcele Carneiro Paim Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ednir Assis Souza Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Andrija Oliveira Almeida Universidade Federal da Bahia


The present report aims to highlight the experience of the Specialization Course in Collective Health, with a concentration on Primary Care - Family Health, offered by the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), to doctors of the Mais Médicos Program (PMM), from the reflective analysis of Distance Learning Tutoring in five classes. Relevant aspects that can contribute to an efficient mediation in the learning process of medical professionals working in primary care were analyzed. The results indicate that the stage of training tutors, critical-reflective learning about pedagogical mediation in EAD, the construction of a virtual space for pedagogical monitoring with the use of interactive Virtual Learning Devices (VAD), as well as the use of diversified mediation and assessment to deal with the different profiles of students, made a difference in the course development.

Author Biography

Catharina Leite Matos Soares, Universidade Federal da Bahia




How to Cite

Rangel de Moura Santos, G., Rangel Santos, M. L. ., Leite Matos Soares, C. ., de Medeiros Guimarães, J. M. ., Carneiro Paim, M., Assis Souza, E., & Oliveira Almeida , A. . (2022). Experience of Distance Learning Tutoring Training in a Specialization Course for Doctors In Primary Care. aúde & Transformação ocial ealth ∓ ocial hange, 13(2), 143–150. etrieved from https://incubadora.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/saudeetransformacao/article/view/6299