Field mat as a teamwork arena: the narrative space of robotics games


  • Alex de Souza Paiva UFPR
  • Luciane Maria Fadel UFPR


Tapete de Campo, robótica, Design Science Research


This paper investigates the development of a design object called Logistics Field Mat and how its narrative space can create a collaborative game environment. It followed the Design Science Research (DSR) approach and Peffers’ protocol to identify a problem, develop a design object, demonstrate its potential, evaluate and apply it to five robotics games, and communicate the findings. The results indicate a narrative space generated by the mat composed of a well-defined setting, a spatial structure, a story space, a narrative world, and a universe that can foster player engagement by positioning the field mat as an educational tool. Furthermore, the mat remediates two media: game boards and maps. This remediation highlights the narrative space and transforms it into a meaningful space.

Author Biographies

Alex de Souza Paiva, UFPR


Luciane Maria Fadel, UFPR



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