MILPA magazine: editorial design and new perpectives



Design Editorial, Design Gráfico, Arte Latino-americana.


It is possible to observe that self-published magazines and zines aim to
offer readers something that traditional titles, with their search for a large
volume of circulation, do not offer. This article had as main objective to discuss
new possibilities of the publishing market, based on the creative process of an
independent magazine developed as a project to conclude the Design course
at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). From a methodology
structured in different creative stages, interviews were conducted with the
target audience in question, to recognize the possible needs of users as
readers and appreciators of printed material. The doubts raised arose in the
sense of seeking a better understanding of the relevance and survival of the
publishing market in the current scenario, marked by the consumption of
digital and instant information. Thus, it sought to identify interesting
resignifications to the permanence of this aspect of design, to explore
possibilities of printing, dissemination, and distribution.

Author Biographies

Tarcila Maria Zanatta, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Design Centro de Comunicação e Expressão

Cristina Colombo Nunes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Design Centro de Comunicação e Expressão


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