Innovation strategies model in the design management



Innovation, Design Management, Small Companies


Annually, several businesses emerge to compete in a dynamic scenario, which requires new strategies to maintain competitive in their market survival. In this context, seeking a competitive advantage with a focus on innovation becomes an important issue. Design management can contribute to the survival of these companies, but there is no recipe formed or a standard model for how it can be applied, especially when it is about small businesses. The guiding question of the research is what design innovation processes a company can adopt to become competitive? Intending to contribute to this issue, the research relates design with innovative strategies to propose best practices that can improve the competitive performance of small businesses. Through a systematic literature review, following the Visual Method for Systematic Design Review presented by Blum, Merino, and Merino (2016), eight articles from the last fourteen years were selected and further analyzed with proposals for strategies for innovation promoted by design. In the end, based on the analyzed authors, a Modular Beehive Structure for Innovation model is proposed, formed by patterns of knowledge of the selected authors practices that may lead to innovation when combined according to the goals and resources of each company.

Author Biographies

Bruno Raphael Carvalho Santos, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Bruno Raphael de Carvalho Santos is a master's degree student in Design at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). He graduated in design from Martha Falcão College with a specialization in Design, Communication, and Multimedia from the Center for Analysis, Research, and Innovation Foundation (FUCAPI) in 2013. His current area of interest is business management, technology, education, and design.

Claudete Barbosa Ruschival, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Claudete Barbosa Ruschival received her doctor's degree in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2012 where she also did her Master's degree in Production Engineering in 2004. She graduated in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM) in 1996. Claudete specialized in Packaging Design in a scholarship from Posgrado Mercosur Design Program, an Italian, Spanish and Mercosur cooperation (2001) and in Advertising and Marketing from the Federal University of Amazonas (1998).

Claudete works as associate Professor of the Design course and professor at the Graduate Program in Design. She has vast experience in Industrial Design, focusing on Product Development Processes and Design Management, acting on the following subjects: Design Methodology in Design, Surface Design, Strategic Design, Inclusive Education and Design, Digital Interface Design and Packing.


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