Strategic or Cultural Communication? Content and signification within cultural expressions in the context of an advertising case study.



Strategic Communication, Semiotics, Content Analysis.


This paper aims to understand the construction of cultural expressions within the scope of brand communication. It takes into account an articulation of emergent cultural elements present in symbolic peripheries, like those we can find in urban tribes and subcultures. The approach in question is an in-depth case study - Moschino's Toy Boy perfume - based on a cultural triangulation where we apply three methods: content analysis; semiotics; readings from the position of the observer. The discussion allows us to understand the production of meanings in a cohesive narrative, as well as the origin of certain elements that inhabit the composition. The results from applying the three methods are clearly articulated, suggesting a solid interpretation that emphasizes proximity, as well as the idea of intimacy and sensuality. This exercise makes it possible to highlight and confirm an analytical and diagnostic practice that can be applied in the management of brand communication. As a result, we propose this cultural triangulation approach to obtain strategic insights, regarding the process of generating cultural expressions in strategic communication and its impact on the nature of brands. The articulation of these tools places the process of Douglas Holt and Douglas Cameron on cultural strategy in a methodological context within the scope of cultural analysis.

Biografia do Autor

Nelson Gomes, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Prof. Auxiliar do Programa em Cultura e Comunicação, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.


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