Art museums and palaces: analysis strategies


  • Fernando Jorge Matias S. Oliveira Membro da UNIDCOM/IADE – Unidade de investigação em Design e Comunicação
  • Susana Patrício Pereira Membro da UNIDCOM/IADE – Unidade de investigação em Design e Comunicação


Service Design, Museums, Websites e Cultural Heritage


The aim of this paper of is to demonstrate the types of methodologies that exist for evaluating museum sites, what their purposes are and the application of one that seemed the most suitable for our case study. Parameters, which are part of the initial User Journey process, linked to Service Design were measured. The study was applied in 7 selected museums in order to diagnose which requirements the museums fulfill and which points to improve. We considered it pertinent to use the qualitative methodology, using the case studies and literature review. The results showed that this type of evaluation applied in the context of museums allows us to understand and have greater control over this universe within Service Design, as well as the importance of its implementation as well as its impact on the reputation of Museums worldwide.


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