Design thinking as an innovation strategy for business and marketing plans



Design thinking, Marketing plan, Business plan.


This paper examines the possibilities of design’s contribution to other professional fields through a design thinking process model called MOPDET. The model was structured based on concepts of 11 authors. In this sense, the investigation brings relevant concepts about design since the 1960s. The literature review also addresses business plan and marketing plan. The results chapter describes the applications possilibities for MOPDET under 3 circunstances, as well as the expected outputs for each one. Finally, in the conclusions it is suggested as future research the application of the model in other professional segments.

Author Biography


Doutora em Design UFPR; Mestre em Design - UFPR; Bacharel em Desenho Industrial - Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado - SP; Especialista em marketing - ESPM - SP. Professora Pesquisadora do Unicuritiba - Curitiba - PR.


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