Service design and design for wellbeing: A Literature Review about the Relationship Between Them


  • Elisabeth Meyer Instituto de Cardiologia - Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC-FUC)
  • Leandro Miletto Tonetto Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos)
  • Valentina Marques da Rosa UFRGS
  • Andressa de Cássia Garcia Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos)


Wellbeing, Design for wellbeing, Service design.


Service design allows for the stimulation of user wellbeing in many areas, such as education and healthcare. Even though service design and wellbeing have been separate focuses of interest in design research, the relationship between them is still not fully understood. This systematic literature review aims to investigate the relationship between service design and wellbeing, identifying bibliometric characteristics of the studies (publication year, origin), applications of “wellbeing service design”, definitions of wellbeing, and user participation in the research methods. Results are presented in four categories: wellbeing related to emotional experiences and other psychological aspects; wellbeing focused on the nature and quality of interactions; wellbeing related to environmental aspects; and wellbeing presented as an aim of service improvement.


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