Social Media: a literature review



Social media, Social media strategy, Branding, Social media marketing.


We have watched rapid developments for branding in social media in the last couple of years and the use of these platforms is stronger then ever these days, reaching audiences worldwide through multiplatform social media branding strategies. Social media can be an opportunity for business to: raise brand awareness, increase sales, generate brand loyalty and to overall better communicate with customers, helping build long lasting relationships. With social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), companies are able to interact and engage directly with customers. Customers can share knowledge with each other and can participate in on-going conversations with brands that are active in social media. This creates a whole new perspective in the way companies are used to conduct their businesses, and also on the way we are used to communicate with others and with companies themselves. This article provides for a literature review on the evolution of social media and how it became relevant to brands as a marketing tool to generate engagement.


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