Trends Archaeology: methodological contributes to analyse brand meanings in artistic shows of style.



Trend Studies, trends archaeology, branding, fashion


This article seeks to explore trends archaeology as a method of Trend Studies and its articulation with branding. This research analyzes a case study composed of six unified fashion shows from Gucci attempting to understand the flow of sociocultural trends associated with the brand, and its developments. The trend analysis was carried out through a critical analysis of the trends identified by the Trends Observer research network during the period that encompasses the case study (2017-2019). After the individual analysis of the narratives of each fashion show and its correlation with the trend map, we could see that the trend flow did not have a significant variation since the time interval under analysis was short. It was also possible to observe a minor change in the DNA of the Experienced Narratives and Identities macro trend.

Biografia do Autor

William Afonso Cantu, IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação da Universidade Europeia

William Cantú é Doutor em Estudos de Cultura, na linha de Gestão de Tendências e da Cultura, pela Universidade de Lisboa; possui um Mestrado em Design e Cultura Visual e é licenciado em Design pelo IADE. É investigador no CEAUL e na UNIDCOM e Professor Auxiliar convidado do IADE-UE.


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2022-07-27 — Atualizado em 2022-07-27



