Innovations in pattern-makking to enhance the comfort of bikinis
Design de Moda, Processo Criativo, Inovação, ModelagemResumo
Comfort and functionality in bikinis are responsible for the physical and psychological well-being of users. Thus, seeking to enhance the positive experience of product usability, problems related to the bikini parts were analyzed, aiming at the search for solutions related to modeling problems. Thus, Rozenfeld's et al (2006) and Baxter's (2011) methodological procedures were based, as well as bibliographic research categorizing the research approach as qualitative and descriptive, also conducted a questionnaire with users of the product. In this sense, the structuring of the project was supported by subjective and objective criteria, which supported the innovative proposal in modeling. The fashion drawings of the pieces illustrated the suggestions for new textile compositions, as well as the application of the modeling technique integrated to the bikini, aiming to solve questions regarding the user's physical and psychological comfort.
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