The management of culture: professional challenges of managing narratives and brands in a changing cultural environment.


  • Nelson Pinheiro Gomes Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa


Culture, Trends, Cultural Branding, Chief Culture Officer.


This paper explores the relations between culture, consumer behavior and management, introducing a new perspective for the study of culture, in order to activate better relationship strategies between brands and their audiences. The objective is to understand the instrumentalization of culture and behavior changes, resulting in a better creation and management of cultural symbols and narratives. The ability to create and to imprint meanings in new products, services and pieces of communication, requires a gifted professional not only in the field of brand management, but also on the study of culture and emerging mindset and behavior trends.  In this sense, this paper explores the role of this professional, the Chief Culture Officer (COO), and how he can benefit from the application and the development of trends studies.  

Biografia do Autor

Nelson Pinheiro Gomes, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Prof. Auxiliar Convidado do Programa de Cultura e Comunicação, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.


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