Design Thinking as a social tool to redefine aging: the third age as an agent of social transformation


  • Sara Patrícia Martins Gancho IADE, UNIDCOM - Envision Future
  • Thiago Janning IADE - Universidade Europeia
  • Raquel Cristina Oliveira Lima IADE - Universidade Europeia


Aging active, design thinking, inclusive design, intergenerational, social innovation.


The ageing of the population has turned into a challenge not just the government but also for companies and brands, which are looking for alternatives to create relations with this target. That is more inclusive for all ages, through which we can create synergies to build a society more adapted to the new social realm. In this point of view, Design Thinking can be a tool to create solutions to our society by putting old people as agents of transformation and giving them a more active and participatory voice in business and governance.


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