Ergonomics aspects and workload on the operators in the electric power control and operation centers: multi-case studies in Portugal and Brazil
Ergonomics in Electric Power Control Centers, Workload, Human FactorsResumo
With technological advancement, tasks performed by humans are more complex, and work environments become increasingly automated. Similar to the systems developed for other industrial sectors, the automation of the electricity sector has resulted in more sophisticated equipment and requires more attention from operators, bringing the monitor and operates a growing set of equipment. This results in increased cognitive load and environments more conducive to error, which can cause failures that result in significant economic losses, physical damage, or threats to human life. This research aims to evaluate the workload of the operators in two Electric Power Control and Operation Centers, using the NASA-TLX in a multicase studies in Portugal and in the Northeast Brazil. There will be benefits to the electricity sector with new information on those activities contributing to a reduction of human error operation and better system quality
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