Ergonomics, Occupational Health and Safety Management System, Performance evaluation, ProKnow-C.Resumo
Considering that the most significant impact of accidents is on the worker themself, ergonomics with its systemic approach considering the domains of specialization can contribute to planning and executing the OHSMS, particularly with the use of more accurate indicators to evaluate the system's performance. This article aims to identify and characterize the methodologies and indicators used to assess the OHSMS through an RSL. To select and analyze articles on OHSMS evaluation methods, ProKnow-C was applied, using Advanced and Systemic Analyzes, to identify the types of methods and the organization's scope and participation. As a result, it was possible to identify that, in the 28 studies analyzed, a normative or descriptive approach was used, generic in 12 and specific in six. In contrast, the context was generic in three studies and specific in six. Furthermore, 28 selected works are based on generic indicators, 18 used Leading indicators, and ten used the combination of Lagging and Leading indicators without mentioning or analyzing the ergonomics domains of specialization. Likewise, it was evident that they did not analyze the organizational context to define the indicators. It is considered that the assessment components must be defined based on the organization's context, helping to identify the problems and critical situations that interfere with the risk management activities. Thus, the organization can define how to manage the workers and contribute to their well-being, allowing continuous improvements in the OHSMS. All of this supports the need to develop assessment methodologies using specific indicators to the organization's context.Referências
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