Global sourcing management of multinational companies in emerging markets: the case of Brazilian subsidiaries
Production subsidiaries, Supply strategies, Global sourcing, Multinational companies, Emerging marketsResumo
The growing competition for consumer in emerging markets has required from multinational companies (MNC) strategies to support this new business conditions. In this context, the importance of strategies alignment and mutual reinforcement between MNC headquarters and subsidiaries in the supply management are highlighted. The aim of this article was to analyse how foreign multinational company subsidiaries operating in emerging markets like Brazil are embedded and attend MNC global sourcing strategies. A multiple case study research has been conducted in eight Brazilian subsidiaries of MNC through in-depth interviewing with local supply managers and a documentary research was made. It was identified that Brazilian production subsidiary participation is partially aligned with the strategy of MNC global sourcing. The results suggest that subsidiaries in emerging markets should review its approach related to the global sourcing management, becoming more proactive, aligned with the MNC global sourcing strategy, as well as serving in their level of expertise.Referências
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