Linking enterprise flexibility to strategic options: a control problem approach


  • Felisa M. Córdova DII/USACH
  • Franco F. Yanine DII/USACH


Control system, Meta-controllability, Change and flexibility, Strategic options, Performance measurement.


In order to operate effectively, industrial enterprises must be able to coordinate and utilize their limited physical and managerial resources effectively to deal with uncertainty and complexity, following certain strategic options and guidelines. Enterprises must be able to acknowledge the tensions between flexibility and stability forces operating within them, and then manage them in a way that best reflects their strategic options. This paper looks at manufacturing enterprises as complex dynamic systems operating under certain strategic guidelines and constraints in order to be both effective and efficient. At the same time, they ought to be stable yet flexible enough to be able to deal effectively with perturbations, generated both within and outside of the system. In this higher level control problem approach to enterprise flexibility it is examined how both properties: flexibility and stability depend on the meta-controllability of the enterprise system. That is the control over the enterprise control system, the role of management in the meta-controllability of the enterprise, and how these control actions, which determine when, where and how much flexibility is applied, are linked to specific strategic needs and objectives that reflect the strategic options of the organization at the operational, business, and corporate level respectively. 



Biografia do Autor

Felisa M. Córdova, DII/USACH

Dr. Ing. Informatique, Université de Paris XI, Paris, France Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Santiago of Chile

Franco F. Yanine, DII/USACH

Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería UC en Escuela de Ingenieria, PUC.


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Como Citar

Córdova, F. M., & Yanine, F. F. (2013). Linking enterprise flexibility to strategic options: a control problem approach. beroamerican ournal of ndustrial ngineering, 5(9), 239–260. ecuperado de