
  • Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka Gusberti Parque Científico & Tecnológico da UFRGS SEDETEC - Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2536-4818
  • Arthur Chafim Bretas UFRGS’ Science and Technology Park & Office of Technological Development, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Mariana de Freitas Dewes Fundação Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde


university, dynamic industries, industrial association, technology transfer, business incubation


This work aims to identify ways to which companies and universities relate to each other and the importance attributed by companies to this kind of interaction. Specifically, it seeks to understand the degree to which university-industry interaction is approached, comparing Brazilian industry to that of so-called developed countries. We use a qualitative and exploratory approach, specifically content analysis (Bazeley & Jackson, 2013; Krippendorff, 2003), and industrial associations’ websites as a data source. Results indicate that there is emerging conscience in Brazilian strategic industries about universities as a source of useful technology, but not about the role of university spin-off generation as an important element for technological and industrial development. Participation of Universities as members of industrial associations appears to be similar to benchmark associations. The promotion of university-industry interaction as core mission is uncommon either in benchmark associations nor Brazilian associations, but Benchmark associations, in more dynamic industries always mention universities as a source of technological service (by various technology transfer mechanisms), a situation which was not observed in the Brazilian reality. Hence, data shows that the connection between Universities and Brazilian universities has yet to be improved. The results also suggest that Brazilian Medical Industry Complex, Industrial Chemistry, Electronics, Materials, and Information Technology present less conscience and valuation of University as a potential source of innovation, in comparison to the international benchmark.

Biografia do Autor

Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka Gusberti, Parque Científico & Tecnológico da UFRGS SEDETEC - Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Pesquisador de Pós-Doutorado

Grupo de Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

Parque Científico & Tecnológico da UFRGS

SEDETEC - Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS


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Como Citar

Gusberti, T. D. H., Bretas, A. C., & Dewes, M. de F. (2017). DIAGNOSING THE VALORISATION OF UNIVERSITY -INDUSTRY INTERACTION BY INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES: EVALUATION BASED ON INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS’ WEBSITES. beroamerican ournal of ndustrial ngineering, 9(17), 41–61. ecuperado de https://incubadora.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/IJIE/article/view/v9n1703