Skid Frame, Conveyor, Mine SiteResumo
This paper is intended for use as a progress report of a potential design for a gravity take-up skid frame. As a result, a new gravity take-up skid frame is required. To obtain the best possible design for the take-up structure, it was separated into four phases. Phase one included concept development of the design. It was found that the motor must be able to handle 132.3 kW of power when the belt is fully flooded. Phase two, the material was selected for the construction. Phase three was the performance analysis of the design. In this stage, calculations justifying design decisions including the conveyor capacity at normal and maximum conditions as well as start-up and shutdown conditions and an analysis of the belt tensile forces at steady and non-steady conditions. The drive system was also analyzed to determine the resistive forces and subsequent power needed to operate the system. Furthermore, the design analysis of the drive, pulleys, idlers and bearings was conducted. Phase four was the FE analysis of the system. This included static analysis on the structure including both the skid frame and take-up weight structure and a fatigue analysis on the pulleys. From this it was determined that the design will operate with the required strength and serviceability as outlined in AS 4100 and AS 3990 for the agreed upon system lifetime. Furthermore, it was determined that the system will operate as required for all agreed upon conditions, that is normal, maximum, start-up and shutdown operating conditions.
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